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What is NoonSong? Or the church is full on Saturdays

Invitation to a midday retreat

Already in the first early Christian congregations, people sang: “Let psalms, hymns and songs resound in your midst as the Spirit inspires them. Sing and rejoice with all your heart to the praise of the Lord!” wrote the Apostle Paul in his letters. Especially with the emergence of the monastic orders, the sung word of God unfolded. Choral prayers structure the monastic everyday life.

However, the common singing of the psalms also became part of the Anglican Church. In England, a special worship meditation developed from evening and night prayer, the “Evensong”. Many colleges and cathedrals have outstandingly trained choirs participating.

In 2008, the choirmaster and conductor Stefan Schuck developed the concept of the “NoonSong” for Berlin. With the then Berlin Bishop Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huber of the Protestant Church and the Catholic liturgical scholar Prof. Dr. Andreas Odenthal, the musician reconstructed a form of liturgy that has a great appeal to people in the metropolis of Berlin.

Saturday after Saturday, the nave at Hohenzollernplatz is filled to capacity. The visitors let themselves be carried away, comforted and enchanted by sacred vocal music. They gather for half an hour to recharge with choral singing, Bible reading, intercessions and the Lord’s Prayer.

In NoonSong, scripture reading and prayer are taken over by Protestant pastors and Catholic clergy. Former Bishop Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huber and Archbishop Dr. Heiner Koch regularly take part in the particularly festive pre-Christmas NoonSong at the church Am Hohenzollernplatz.

The Church Am Hohenzollernplatz Berlin

The Church Am Hohenzollernplatz Berlin

The church building focuses the Hohenzollernplatz on itself and, with its 66m high tower (including the cross) on the north side of the choir, creates a dominant urban feature. Get to know the “power plant of God”.

NoonSong – Die Idee

NoonSong – Die Idee

Prof. Stefan Schuck beschreibt die Entstehung des NoonSongs von der ersten Idee bis heute. | Auszug aus dem Programmbuch des Festivals zum 500. NoonSong, Februar 2020

We are NoonSong – professional and voluntary

May we introduce ourselves to you?

The weekly NoonSong is not achievable without a large team of contributors. Liturgists, organists, singers, conductor, church service and sound engineer work together every Saturday. Here we introduce you to the great and wonderful NoonSong team.

Musical Director & Conductor

Musical Director & Conductor



In 2008, the choirmaster and conductor Stefan Schuck developed the concept of the “NoonSong” for Berlin. With the then Berlin Bishop Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huber of the Protestant Church and the Catholic liturgical scholar Prof. Dr. Andreas Odenthal, the musician reconstructed a form of liturgy that has a great appeal to people in the metropolis of Berlin.


Stefan Schuck schloss 1987 sein Studium der katholischen Kirchenmusik an der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt/M. . Anschließend studierte er in Frankfurt Chor- und Orchesterleitung bei Uwe Gronostay und Jiri Starek.

Ab 1989 war er an der UdK Berlin im Fach Chorleitung tätig, von 1992 bis 1997 war er künstlerischer Mitarbeiter von Uwe Gronostay. Während dieser Zeit kam es zu einem intensiven Austausch mit Eric Ericson in Stockholm.

Seit Sommer 1992 ist Schuck Dirigent des Hugo-Distler-Chors Berlin, der seither eine Vielzahl positiv beachteter Konzerte im In- und Ausland gab.

1998 wurde Schuck zum Professor für Chor- und Orchesterleitung an der Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Rottenburg-Stuttgart berufen.

Seit 2013 arbeitet er als freiberuflicher Dirigent. Schuck hat mit zahlreichen professionellen Chören zusammengearbeitet, u.a. dem Niederländischen Kammerchor Amsterdam, dem Kölner Rundfunkchor, dem Berliner Rundfunkchor und dem SWR-Vokalensemble Stuttgart. Seine Chor- und Orgelkonzerte wurden u.a. im Deutschlandradio und im Südwestrundfunk übertragen.

1998 erhielt Schuck den Hans-Joachim-Erhard-Gedächtnispreis der Stadt Aschaffenburg, 2012 wurde er für seine kulturelle Arbeit mit der Bürgermedaille des Bezirkes Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf ausgezeichnet.

Er ist Mitbegründer des Projektes KinderStimmen der Lernwerkstatt Berlin, Eigenbetrieb von Kindergärten City, mit dem Ziel der stimmpädagogischen Arbeit mit Vorschulkindern in Wedding/Kreuzberg.

Professional vocal ensemble

Professional vocal ensemble



The professional vocal ensemble sirventes berlin with singers from Berlin was founded in 2003 by Stefan Schuck. Since 2008, regular music-making for the NoonSong has grown out of the project-based way of working. The outstanding quality of the ensemble results from this intensive regular joint work.

Around the performance

Around the performance



In NoonSong, scripture reading and prayer are taken over by Protestant pastors and Catholic clergy. The organ will be played for the entrance and exit. The sound engineer is responsible for the audio archive and the church service …


Singers: Soprano

Anette Lösch, Soprano



Elisabeth Fischer, Soprano



Jin Kim, Soprano




Bianca Reim, Soprano




Katja Kunze, Soprano




Julia Ströhle, Soprano




Miriam Fahnert, Soprano



Singers: Alto


Anja Simon, Alt




Andrea Effmert, Alto




Wiebke Kretzschmar, Alto




Sibylla Maria Löbbert, Alto




Alice Lackner, Alto




Roksolana Chraniuk, Alto




Winnie Brückner, Mezzo-soprano




Philipp Cieslewicz, Altus



Singers: Tenor


Ulrich Löns, Tenor




Martin Netter, Tenor




Masashi Tsuij, Tenor




Volker Nietzke, Tenor




Hans Dieter Gillessen, Tenor



Singers: Bass


Jakob Ahles, Baritone




Martin Backhaus, Bass




Tobias Hagge, Bass




Thomas Heiß, Baritone




Werner Blau, Bass




Till Schulze, Baritone




Nicolas Boulanger, Bass-Baritone



Organ players


Daniel Clark, Organ player




Mirlan Kasymaliev, Organ player





Minister Anna Kim-Chi Nguyen-Huu




Minister Barbara Deml




Minister Alexander Brodt-Zabka



Church service and sound engineer


Valentin Kahl, Sound engineer




Barbara Reier, Church service




Antje Reier, Church service



The supporting association

The foundation of the NoonSong

Would the NoonSong still exist if the members of the supporting association had not been at its side since 2008? Certainly not!

At first it was just a handful of citizens interested in music and culture, mainly from the congregation of the Protestant Church Am Hohenzollernplatz. In the meantime, there are over 170 music-loving people who reliably accompany the paths of the NoonSong. It is their membership fees that form the basic financial resources and thereby ensure the existence of NoonSong to this day.

The congregation Am Hohenzollernplatz has been a generous host since the beginning by making the church and a rehearsal room available. Otherwise, NoonSong has developed independently of church structures and consequently does not receive any institutional funding.


The NoonSong is supported by the sponsoring association NoonSong e.V.


The Board of Directors consists of: Stefan Schuck, Chairman | Friederike von Kirchbach, Second Chairwoman | Christine Isbrecht, Treasurer

The supporting association NoonSong e.V. is recognised as a non-profit organisation due to the promotion of cultural purposes by certificate of the Tax Office for Corporations I Berlin, tax number 27/656/55747 of 28.12.2020.

The Board of Trustees

We accompany the NoonSong

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“Der Noon Song – das klingende Geschenk für Geist und Seele. Wer die heilsame Kraft der Töne und Melodien sucht, richtet seine Schritte am Samstagmittag in die Kirche Am Hohenzollernplatz. Angefangen von den Psalmen über jahrhundertealte Choräle und Motetten bis hin zu zeitgenössischen Kompositionen dringt die stärkende Kraft der geistlichen Musik an Herz und Verstand, immer auf ‘s neue ein Vergnügen, Trost und Freude für den ganzen Menschen.”


Christhard-Georg Neubert – Kunstbeauftragter der Evangelischen Kirche Berlin Brandenburg – Schlesische Oberlausitz

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